Do NOT enable/clear the DLT7000 emulation feature with a tape
cartridge loaded in the tape drive.
Do NOT enable/clear the DLT7000 emulation feature while the
drive is in operation.
1. Enable and clear the DLT7000 emulation mode via the SCSI bus by
changing the EMUL7K_MODE parameter (in EEPROM) on the Vendor
Unique EEPROM Parameter Page.
When EMUL7K_MODE is set to , DLT7000 emulation is enabled on
the drive.
When EMUL7K_MODE set to , it restores the drive to standard
DLT8000 operation.
2. After the DLT7000 Emulation Mode feature has been enabled, it is critical
that you reinitialize the SCSI bus interfaceusing one of the following
Issue a bus reset (this resets all devices on the bus);
Issue the Advanced SCSI Programming Interface (ASPI, an interface
specification for sending commands to SCSI host adapters) Device
Reset command 6&6,B5(6(7B'(9 (this resets the specific device
changed); or
Issue the ASPI command 65%&200$1'5(6&$1%86, as
described in the Win 32 ASPI Specification.