7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 
6h Exclusive Access,
Registrants Only
READS: Exclusive; any command from an initiator that has not previously
performed a Register service action with the device server that
attempts a transfer from the target results in a reservation conflict.
WRITES: Exclusive; any command from an initiator that has not previ ously
performed a Register service action with the device server that
attempts a transfer to the target results in a reservation conflict
ADDITIONAL RESERVATIONS: Allowed; any initiator may reserve the
logical unit, extents, or elements as long
as the persistent reservations to not
conflict with any reservations already
known to the device server.
7h - Fh Reserved N/A
The PERSISTENT RESERVATION OUT command requires a parameter list,
illustrated in the following figure and defined in the following table. Each of the
fields of the parameter list are sent for every PERSISTENT RESERVATION OUT
command, even if the field is not required for the specific Service action and/or
Scope values.
765 4 3210
0 – 7 (MSB) Reservation Key (LSB)
8 – 15 (MSB) Service Action Reservation Key (LSB)
16 – 19 (MSB) Scope-Specific Address (LSB)
20 Reserved APTPL
21 Reserved
22 – 23 (MSB) Extent Length (LSB)