7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 
 7DSH6\VWHP5HFRUGLQJ7\SH
The tape system uses 2,7 RLL code with DLTTM 2000, DLTTM 2000XT,
DLTTM 4000, DLTTM 7000, or DLT8000 format.
Table 112 provides specifications for tape media. Table 1-12 provides operating
and storage enviroment limits for the tape cartridges
'/7WDSH,,, Width: 0.5 inch
Length: 1200 feet
Cartridge Dimensions: 4.1 in x 4.1 in x 1.0 in
Shelf Life: 20 years min. @ 20°C & 40%
RH (non-condensing)
Usage: 500,000 passes
'/7WDSH,,,;7 Width: 0.5 inch
Length: 1800 feet
Cartridge Dimensions: 4.1 in x 4.1 in x 1.0 in
Shelf Life: 30 years min. @ 20°C & 40%
RH (non-condensing)
Usage: 500,000 passes