7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 
Density Code This field should match the current tape medium density; it is set to 0 if t he
density is unknown.
00h Use default density
19h 62500 bpi, 64 track pairs, serial cartridge tape 10.0 GB
(DLTtape III) / 15.0 GB (DLTtape IIIXT)
1Ah 81633 bpi, 64 track pairs, serial cartridge tape 20.0 GB
(DLTtape IV)
1Bh 85937 bpi, 52 track quads, serial cartridge tape 35.0 GB
(DLTtape IV)
41h 98250 bpi, 52 track quads, serial cartridge tape 40.0 GB
(DLTtape IV)
The density codes above are the codes used to define density.
Additionally, the codes listed below may be used, though use of the Data
Compression Page is preferred:
7Fh No change from previous densi ty (No Operation)
80h 62500 bpi, 64 track pairs, serial cart.tape - 10.0 GB (DLTtape III)
/ 15.0GB (DLTtape IIIXT) without compression
81h 62500 bpi, 64 track pairs, serial cart.tape - 20.0 GB (DLTtape III)
/ 30.0GB (DLTtape IIIXT ) with compression
82h 81633 bpi, 64 track pairs, serial cart.tape - 20.0 GB (DLTtape IV)
without compression
83h 81633 bpi, 64 track pairs, serial cart.tape - 40 GB (DLTtape IV)
with compression
84h 85937 bpi, 52 track quads, serial cartridge tape - 35 GB
(DLTtape IV) without compression
85h 85937 bpi, 52 track quads, serial cartridge tape - 70 GB
(DLTtape IV) with compression
88h 98250 bpi, 52 track quads, serial cartridge tape - 40 GB
(DLTtape IV) without compression
89h 98250 bpi, 52 track quads, serial cartridge tape - 80 GB
(DLTtape IV) with compression
Number of Blocks This MODE SENSE field is sent = 0, indicating that all of the remaining
logical blocks on the tape will have the medium characteristics specified by
the block descriptor.