 7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO
Count When spacing over blocks or marks, the Count field is interpreted as
A positive value N causes forward motion over N blocks or marks. The
tape is logically positioned after the Nth block or mark on the EOM or
EOP side.
A value of 0 causes no change in logical position.
A negative value -N (twos complement notation) causes reverse
movement over N blocks or marks. The tape is logically positioned on the
BOM or BOP side of the Nth block or mark.
When spacing to EOD, the Count field is ignored. Forward movement
occurs until the drive encounters EOD. The position is such that a
subsequent WRITE command would append data after the last object
that has been written to tape before EOD.
When executing SPACE, the tape drive implements the following hierarchy:
+,*+(67 BOM/P or EOM/P*
Filemarks / Sequential Filemarks
/2:(67 Blocks
* Beginning of Media/Partition or End of Media/Partition
**End of Data
The tape drive supports only one parition.
Note that a SPACE Sequential Filemarks is a SPACE to the first occurrence of Q
filemarks written sequentially.
A SPACE command in the form SPACE N blocks will halt with GOOD status
after the Nth block, or with CHECK CONDITION status on any occurrence of
Filemark, EOD, BOM/P, or EOM/P. A command SPACE N Filemarks will halt
on the Nth Filemark with GOOD status on any occurrence of EOD, BOM/P, or
Depending on the size of blocks, read ahead data in the buffer allows some spacing
requests to be satisfied without actual tape movement.