7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 
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The RESERVE UNIT and the RELEASE UNIT commands are used for contention
resolution in multiple-initiator systems. The RESERVE UNIT (10) command is a
10-byte command that is used to reserve a logical unit. The RESERVE UNIT (10)
Command Descriptor Block is shown in Figure 5-92, and the data fields are
described in Table 5-91. If RESERVE UNIT (10) is used, then RELEASE UNIT
(10) is also used.
765432 1 0
0 Operation Code (56h)
1 Reserved 3rdPty Reserved LongID Extent
2 Reservation Identification
3 Third Party Device ID
4 - 6 Reserved
7 - 8 (MSB) Parameter List Length (LSB)
9 Unused Reserved Flag Link