 7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO
Each tape cartridge has a write-protect switch that can be used to prevent
accidental erasure of data. Before inserting the tape cartridge into the tape system,
position the write-protect switch on the front of the cartridge:
Move the write-protect switch to the left to HQDEOH write protection (existing
data on the tape cannot be overwritten, nor can additional data be appended to
the media).
When the write-protect switch is moved to the left, a small orange rectangle is
visible. This indicates that data cannot be written to the tape.
Move the write-protect switch to the right to GLVDEOH write protection (existing
data on the tape can be overwritten, and/or additional data can be appended to
the media unless the cartridge is write-protected via software). When write-
protect is disabled, no orange rectangle is visible.
Write-Protect Switch pushed to the
ULJKW (Write Protect disabled position)
Write-Protect Switch pushed to the
OHIW (Write Protect enabled position)
Orange Rectangle