7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 

Table 58 contains field descriptions for the data returned by the drive.
Peripheral Qualifier 0 Non-zero if initiator selects an invalid logical unit (see below)
Peripheral Device Type 1 1 indicates that this is a sequential access device (see below).
Note that the Peripheral Device Type entry for a medium
changer is 8.
RMB 1 Removable Medium Bit. Set to 1.
Device Type Modifier 1 Set to 1 to specify a sequential access device.
ISO Version 0 International Standardization Organization Version level. Set
to 0.
ECMA Version 0 European Computer Manufacturers Organization Version
level. Set to 0.
ANSI Version 2 ANSI SCSI Level 2 (SCSI-2) is supported.
AENC 0 Asynchronous Event Notification is not supported.
TrmlOp 0 Terminate I/O Process. The tape drive does not support the
Response Data Format 2 This Standard Inquiry Data is in SCSI-2 format.
Additional Length 33h Tape drive uses this field to indicate the number of additional
bytes of INQUIRY Response Data available.
Mchnger - Set to 1 if a Media Changer (Loader) is present and EEPROM
parameter EnbIngMedChgr is set to 1. This SCSI-3 bit
indicates that the Read Element Status and Move Medium
commands can be issued to the drive (LUN0). By default, this
bit is set to 0 on the DLT8000 drive.
RelAdr 0 Relative Addres sing is not supported.
WBus 32 0 Set to 0 since the drive does not support 32-bit transfer.
WBus 16 1 The WBus bit is 1 since the drive supports 16-bit data transfer.
Sync 1 The drive supports Synchronous Data Transfers.
Linked 1 Linked Commands are supported.
CmdQue 0 The drive does not support Tagged Command Queuing.
SftRe 0 The drive impl ements the hard reset option in response to
assertion of the SCSI Bus reset line.
Vendor Identification The value in this field is (there is one space after
the word Tandberg)
Product Identification The value in this field is (there is no space between
DLT and 8000 and one space after DLT8000”)