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This page returns one parameter at a time that contains the ASCII text for the specified
event log. The Parameter Number field in the CDB specifies the log event to return.
The log events in EEPROM are numbered from 0 to 255, after which the number wraps
back to 0; only a limited number of events are stored at a given time (up to 48). The log
event that is returned is the one whose Parameter Code is equal to, or the first one
greater than, the Parameter Number specified in the command control block.
0 Reserved Page Code (07h)
1 Reserved
2 - 3
Page Length
Page Code The Page Code echoes the page code that was specified in the LOG
SENSE command descriptor block.
Page Length The Page Length field specifies the total number of bytes contained in
this log page, not including the four bytes that make up the header.