 7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO
This field contains the value returned by a MODE SENSE command for
the density described in the remainder of the Density Support Data Block
Descriptor. Allowable Density Codes for the tape system are shown in
Table (To Be Supplied).
When multiple density code values are assigned to the same recording
technology, this field lists the equivalent density code value. If no
secondary density code exists, the device server returns the primary
device code value in this field.
WRTOK Write OK. When this bit = 0, it indicates that the drive does not support
writing to the media with this density.
When this bit = 1, it indicates that the drive is capable fo writing this
density to either the currently mounted medium (if Media bit in the
Command Block Descriptor = 1) or for some media (if Media bit in the
Command Block Descriptor = 0). Note that all density code values
returned by the Report Density Support command are supported for
READ operations.
DUP Duplicated. When this bit = 0, it indicates that this Primary Density Code
has exactly one density support data block.
When this bit = 1, it indicates that this Primary Density Code is specified
in more than one density support data block.
DEFLT Default. When this bit = 0, it indicates that this is not the default density
of the tape drive.
If either the Primary Density Code or the Secondary Density Code is 0,
the DEFLT bit will be 1. If neither the Primary or Secondary Density Code
is 0 and DEFLT is 1, the logical unit will accept a MODE SELECT header
with a density code of 00h as equivalent to the Primary and Secondary
Density Codes.
NOTE: The default density of the logical unit may vary depending on the
currently mounted media. Multiple codes may return a DEFLT bit of 1
when the Media bit is 0 since more than one default may be possible.