 7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO

 67$7863KDVH

The tape drive enters the status phase just once per command unless a retry isrequested by the initiator. The only exception is during error cases when the devicegoes immediately to bus free, as defined in the ANSI SCSI-2 specification.Status bytes the tape drive can return are as follows:
GOOD (00h) This status indicates that the drive
successfully completed the command.
CHECK CONDITION (02h) A contingent allegiance condition occurred.
The REQUEST SENSE command should be
sent following this status to determine the
nature of the event.
BUSY (08h) Target is busy. This status is returned
whenever the device is unable to accept a
command from an otherwise acceptable
initiator. The initiator should reissue the
command at a later time.
INTERMEDIATE GOOD (10h) This status is returned instead of GOOD for
commands issued with the LINK bit set = 1.
Following the return of this status, the drive
proceeds to the COMMAND phase for the
transfer of the next linked command.
RESERVATION CONFLICT (18h) This status is returned by the drive whenever
a SCSI device attempts to access the drive
when it has been reserved for another initiator
with a RESERVE UNIT command.
COMMAND TERMINATED (22h) This status is returned for a command that
was terminated via a TERMINATE I/O
PROCESS message. This status also
indicates that a contingent allegiance
condition has occurred.