7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 
In contrast to the BUSY status condition, the DRIVE NOT READY Sense
Key is returned as part of the Sense data following a REQUEST SENSE
command and indicates that a media access command has been issued
but that the media is not ready to be accessed (for example, the tape
cartridge is not installed, the tape medium has been unloaded, the tape
drive is currently initializing the tape medium to prepare it for access,
In the DRIVE NOT READY state, the initiator cannot perform any
operation that would cause tape motion (READ, WRITE, VERIFY, for
example). These commands return a CHECK CONDITION status with a
DRIVE NOT READY sense key. The initiator may execute commands that
do not require tape motion or access to the tape medium, and a GOOD
status may be the result.