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The MODE SENSE command allows the drive to report its media type, and
current, or changeable configuration parameters to the host. It is a complementary
command to MODE SELECT.
The command descriptor block for the 6-byte MODE SENSE (1Ah) is shown
below. An illustration of the command descriptor block for the 10-byte MODE
SENSE (5Ah) follows on the next page.
0 Operation Code (1Ah)
1 Logical Unit Number RsvdDBD Reserved
2 PC Page Code
3 Reserved
4 Allocation Length
5 Unused Reserved Flag Link
The 10-byte MODE SENSE command is required to request the Vendor-Unique
EEPROM parameter page due to the large amount of data that parameter page
contains. MODE SENSE (10) can be used to retrieve the other pages as well. Note
that MODE SENSE (10) returns descriptor data in a different format than MODE
SENSE (6).