Bugchecks are the result of some firmware-detected errors. For example, a
hardware failure or an internal system consistency failure may cause a bugcheck.
These events cause bugcheck packets to be written to EEPROM.
The most important information within the packet is the error code. The more
common bugcheck codes are listed in Table B1. A full listing of all possible
codes is not provided: they are typically associated with firmware or product
development and are not expected once the product is released. Analysis of the
other information saved within an EEPROM bugcheck packet requires the in-depth
firmware knowledge to interpret and/or attempt to determine the actual cause.
E204h Unexpected Timer 2 Interrupt Possible Tape Drive
Controller PCB fault
EE01h Spurious Non-Maskable Interrupt Possible Tape Drive
Controller PCB fault
EE02h Spurious 8524 Timer Interrupt Possible Tape Drive
Controller PCB fault
EE03h Spurious Level 5 Interrupt (GPSP) Possible Tape Drive
Controller PCB fault
EE04h Spurious Drive Comm Interrupt Possible Tape Drive
Controller PCB fault
EE05h Spurious Loader Comm Interrupt Possible Tape Drive
Controller PCB fault
EE06h Spurious Diag Comm Interrupt Possible Tape Drive
Controller PCB fault
EE08h Watch Dog Expiration SCSI bus may have lost
termination, or Tape Drive Controller PCB is constantly
receiving non-tape commands.
EE09h Spurious Power Fail Signal Received Possible Power
Supply fault.
EE0Dh Spurious Level 6 Interrupt (GPSP) Possible Tape Drive
Controller PCB fault
F202h Loader Time-Out Possible Media Loader fault