 7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO

 9(5,)<&RPPDQGK

The VERIFY command directs the tape drive to verify one or more blocks

beginning with the next block on the tape. Both CRC and EDCs are validated.

0 Operation Code (13h)
1 Logical Unit Number Reserved Immed BC Fixed
2 - 4
Verification Length
5 Unused Reserved Flag Link


Immed Immediate. When set to 1, the VERIFY command completes before any tape
medium movement is done (that is, when the processing has been initiated.
BC Byte Check. When set to 0, the tape drive performs an internal CRC/ECC
check of data. No data is transferred to the initiator.
When set to 1, the command is rejected.
Fixed This bit specifies whether fixed-length or variable-length blocks are to be
When set to 0, variable-block mode is requested. A single block is transferred
with the Verification Length specifying the maximum number of bytes the
initiator has allocated for verification.
When the Fixed bit is set to 1, the Verification Length specifies the number of
blocks to be verified. This is valid only if the logical unit is currently operating
in Fixed Block mode.
Length This field specifies the amount of data to verify, in blocks or bytes as indicated
by the Fixed bit.