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Table 1-11 presents the current requirements for the tape system in a variety of

operating conditions. These numbers may vary with workload.

Drive Operating in WRITE Mode Start/Stop
Typical Maximum (Includes Ripple)
5 Volt 2.2 3.9
12 Volt 1.2 3.6
Drive Operating in Calibration
Typical Maximum (Includes Ripple)
5 Volt 2.1 3.3
12 Volt 1.2 4.5
Drive Tensioned, but Tape Not in Motion (Standby Mode)
Typical Maximum (Includes Ripple)
5 Volt 2.2 2.7
12 Volt 0.6 1.0
Drive Unloaded with Cartridge Door Opened
Typical Maximum (Includes Ripple)
5 Volt 2.1 2.6
12 Volt 0.6 1.1
Drive Rewinding to BOT
Typical Maximum (Includes Ripple)
5 Volt 2.3 3.6
12 Volt 0.8 3.0
Drive Operating in Stream WRITE/READ Mode
Typical Maximum (Includes Ripple)
5 Volt 3.1 4.3
12 Volt 1.0 3.6