7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 


When TCLP and Long bits are both set to 1, the data takes the following format:

0 BOP EOP Reserved Rsvd BPU (0) Reserved
1 - 3 Reserved
4 - 7
Partition Number
8 - 15
Block Number
16 - 23
File Number
24 - 31
Set Number


BOP Beginning of Partition. When set to 1, indicates that the logical unit is at t he beginning of
partition in the current partition. When 0, indicates that the current logical positi on is not
at the beginning of partition. Since the tape drive does not support more than one
partition, the value of this field will be 1 when at BOT.
EOP End of Partition. When set to 1, indicates that the logical unit is positi oned between early
warning and the end of partition in the current partition. When 0, it indicates that the
current logical position is not between early warning and end of partition.
MPU Mark Position Unknown. Values in File Number and Set Number are invalid.
BPU Block Position Unknown. This bit is never set: the setting of the Block Type (BT) bit of
READ POSITIONs CDB does not affect the block address values returned.
Partition Number Partition number for the current logical position.
Block Number Number of logical blocks between beginning of partition and current logical position.
Filemarks and Setmarks count as one logical block each.
File Number Number of Filemarks between beginning of partition and current logical position.
Set Number Number of Setmarks between beginning of partition and current logical position.
