Configuring the IPR-S1000
For the
Eb/No is related to the signal/noise (in dB). In other words, it refers to the signal quality. The user’s signal will be considered as quasi error free if Eb/No is greater than 5.5 dB for FEC 3/4. This corresponds to a Vber of
DVB uncor. packets is the total number of packets that could not be corrected by the demodulator. Clicking on the «reset» link sets the counter back to zero.
IP/DVB input packets corresponds to the number of IP packets received on the DVB interface.
IP/DVB dropped packets corresponds to the number of (intentionaly) isolated packets.
VITSYNC: Viterbi Synchronized. It indicates if the Viterbi decoder is synchronized (green color) or not (red color).
FSYNC: Frame Synchronized. It indicates if the deintervealer is synchronized (green color) or not (red color).