Chapter 5 Service

Self-Test Procedures


Cannot calibrate rundown gain This test checks the nominal gain between


integrating ADC and the U17 on-chip ADC. This error is reported if the


procedure can not run to completion due to a hardware failure.


Rundown gain out of range This test checks the nominal gain between the


integrating ADC and the U17 on-chip ADC. The nominal gain is checked to


±10% tolerance.


Rundown too noisy This test checks the gain repeatability between the


integrating ADC and the U17 on-chip ADC. The gain test (606) is performed


eight times. Gain noise must be less that ±64 lsb's of the U17 on-chip ADC.


Serial configuration readback failed This test re-sends the last 3 byte


serial configuration data to all the serial path (SERDAT, SERBCK, SERCLK).


The data is then clocked back into U16 on the top board and compared against


the original 3 bytes sent. A failure occurs if the data do not match. This tests


checks the serial data path through U11 on the top board.


Unable to sense line frequency This test checks that the LSENCE logic


input U17 on the top board is togging. If no logic input detected, the power


supply will assume a 50 Hz line operation for all future measurements.


I/O processor did not respond This test checks that communications can


be established between U16 on the top board and U10 on the bottom board


through the optically isolated (U1 and U2 on the bottom board) serial data link.


Failure to establish communication in either direction will generate an error.


If this condition is detected at power-on self-test, the power supply will beep


and the error annunciator will be on.


I/O processor failed self-testThis test causes the earth referenced


processor U10 on the bottom board to execute an internal, ram test. Failure


will generate an error.


Fan test failed This test checks if the fan current is flowing. If the current


is not detected at power-on self-test, the power supply will beep and the error


annunciator will be on.


System DAC test failed This test checks if the DAC hardware is functional.


The main controller U17 sends a reference voltage data to DAC and converts


the DAC output to digital data to see if the digital data is within a valid range.


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Agilent Technologies E3631A manual 100