Chapter 3 Calibration Procedures
General Calibration/Adjustment Procedure
13Read the DVM and change the second current value on the display to match the computed current (DVM reading ¸ by shunt resistance).
For example, if the computed value is 4.999 A, adjust the current to 4.999 A using the knob and arrow keys.
Notice that you should wait for the DVM reading to stabilize for accurate calibration.
i hi +4.999 a
14Pressing the "Calibrate" key saves the new calibration constants for the +6V output current and goes to the voltage calibration mode for the +25V supply.
cal setup 3
If the entered number is within an acceptable range, a "CALIBRATING" message appears for one second to indicate that the calibration is successful and that new calibration constants of "SETUP 2" are stored. Then, the display shows the above message to indicate that the power supply is ready for the voltage calibration for +25V supply.
If the entered number is not correct, an "INVALID DATA" message appears for one second and the display shows the second voltage calibration point again. If the calibration fails, a "CAL FAIL" message appears for one second and the display shows the "CAL SETUP 2" for the current calibration of the +6V supply again.
15Repeat steps (5) through (14) for the voltage and current calibration of the +25V supply (replace +6V with +25V in all the text).
You can calibrate the output voltage and current of the +25V supply easily in the same manner. Notice that you should connect a shunt across (+) and (COM) terminals of the ±25V supply for the +25V supply current calibration.
16Repeat steps (5) through (14) for the voltage and current calibration of the
You can also calibrate the output voltage and current of the