Status Reporting
Power supply Status Structure
Figure 8-1 shows the status register structure of the power supply. The Standard Event, Status Byte, and Service Request Enable registers and the Output Queue perform standard GPIB functions as defined in the IEEE 488.2 Standard Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation. The Operation Status and Questionable Status registers implement status functions specific to the power supply. Table 8-2 and Figure 8-1 show the bit configuration of each status register.
Operation Status Group
Register Functions
The Operation Status registers record signals that occur during normal operation. The group consists of the following registers:
∙A Condition register that holds
∙A PTR/NTR (positive transistion/negative transition) Filter that functions as described under STAT:OPER:NTRPTR COMMANDS in "Chapter 3 - Language Dictionary". This is a read/write register.
∙An Event register that latches any condition that is passed through the PTR or NTR filters. Reading the Event register clears it.
∙An Enable register that functions as described under STAT:OPER:ENAB in "Chapter 3 - Language Dictionary". This is a read/write register.
The outputs of the Operation Status group are
Register Commands
Commands that access this group are derived from the STAT:OPER commands described in Chapter 7 - "Language Dictionary" and summarized in Table
| Table |
| ||
Register | Command | Query | Cleared By | |
Condition | (None) | STAT:OPER:COND? | Cannot be cleared | |
PTR Filter | STAT:OPER:PTR <NRf> | STAT:OPER:PTR? | Programming 0 | |
NTR Filter | STAT:OPER:NTR <NRf> | STAT:OPER:NTR? | Programming 0 or | |
Event | (None) | STAT:OPER:EVEN? | Reading or *CLS | |
Enable | STAT:OPER:ENAB <NRf> | STAT:OPER:ENAB? | Programming 0 | |
Status Reporting 87