Description Of Subsystem Commands
Figure 7-2 is a tree diagram of the subsystem commands. Commands followed by a question mark (?) take only the query form. Except as noted in the syntax descriptions, all other commands take both the command and query form. The commands are listed in alphabetical order and the commands within each subsystem are grouped alphabetically under the subsystem.
Figure 7-2. Subsystem Commands Tree Diagram
This command cancels any trigger actions presently in process. Pending trigger levels are reset equal to their corresponding immediate values. ABOR also resets the WTG bit in the Operation Condition Status register (see "Chapter 8 - Status Reporting"). If INIT:CONT ON has been programmed, the trigger subsystem initiates itself immediately after ABORt, thereby setting WTG. ABOR is executed at power turn on and upon execution of *RCL or RST.
Command Syntax | ABORt |
Parameters | (None) |
Examples | ABOR |
Query Syntax | (None) |
Related Commands | INIT *RST *TRG TRIG |
Calibration Commands
See Appendix B
72 Language Dictionary