Calibration Language Dictionary
The calibration commands are listed in alphabetical order. The format for each command follows that shown in Chapter 7. Calibration error messages that can occur during GPIB calibration are shown in Table
This command is used to calibrate the output current. The command enters current value that you obtain from an external meter. (If you are entering the current value, allow time for the DVM to stabilize.) You must first select a calibration level (CAL:CURR:LEV) for the value being entered. Two successive values (one for each end of the calibration range) must be selected and entered. The power supply then computes new current calibration constants. These constants are not stored in nonvolatile memory until saved with the CAL:SAVE command.
Command Syntax | CALibrate:CURRent[:DATA] <NRf> |
Parameters | (See applicable Output Ratings specification in "Chapter 1- General Information") |
Default Suffix | A |
Examples | CAL: CURR 32 . 33 A CAL: CURR: DATA 5 . 00 |
Query Syntax | (None) |
Related Commands | CAL:SAVE CAL:STAT |
This command sets the power supply to a calibration point that is then entered with CAL:CURR[:DATA]. During calibration, two points must be entered and the
Command Syntax | CALibrate:CURRent:LEVel {MINMAX} |
Parameters | {<CRD>MINimumMAXimum} |
Query Syntax | (None) |
Related Commands | CAL:CURR[:DATA] CAL:STAT |
This command enters a new calibration password. The command is active only when the power supply is already in the calibration mode. Unless it is changed subsequently to shipment, the password is the power supply’s
Command Syntax | CALibrate:PASScode <NRf> | |
Parameters | <NRf> |
Examples | CAL:PASS 4356 | CAL:PASS 09.1993 |
Query Syntax | (None) |
Related Commands | CAL:STAT |
This command saves any new calibration constants (after a current or voltage calibration procedure has been completed) in nonvolatile memory.
Command Syntax: | CALibrate:SAVE |
Parameters | (None) |
Examples | CAL: SAVE |
Query Syntax | (None) |
Related Commands | CAL:CURR CAL:VOLT CAL:STAT |
Calibration 101