Making Measurements
Using This Chapter
Using This Chapter
This chapter contains the following example procedures for making measurements. Mixer
and time domain measurements are covered in Chapter 2, "Making Mixer Measurements
(Option 089 Only)" and Chapter 3 , “Making Time Domain Measurements.” This chapter
also describes how to use most display, marker, and sequencing functions.
•"Making a Basic Measurement" on page 1-4
•"Measuring Magnitude and Insertion Phase Response" on page 1-7
•"Measuring Electrical Length and Phase Distortion" on page 1-43
— Electrical Length
— Phase Distortion (deviation from linear phase, group delay)
• Characterizing a Duplexer (ES Analyzers Only)
•"Measuring Amplifiers" on page 1-52
— Measuring Gain Compression
— Measuring Gain Compression and Reverse Isolation Simultaneously
(ES Analyzers Only)
— Making High Power Measurements (ES Analyzers Only)
•"Using the Swept List Mode to Test a Device" on page 1-67
•"Using Limit Lines to Test a Device" on page 1-72
•"Using Test Sequencing to Test a Device" on page 1-114
The following chapters describe how to use more instrument functions (as indicated by
their chapter titles):
•Chapter 4 , "Printing, Plotting, and Saving Measurement Results"
•Chapter 5 , "Optimizing Measurement Results"
•Chapter 6 , "Calibrating for Increased Measurement Accuracy"