Operating Concepts
TRL*/LRM* Calibration (ES Models Only)
Attenuation of the thru need not be known.
If the thru is used to set the reference plane, the insertion phase or
electrical length must be well-known and specified. If a non-zero length
thru is specified to have zero delay, the reference plane is established in
the middle of the thru, resulting in phase errors during measurement of
REFLECT Reflection coefficient Γ magnitude is optimally 1.0, but need not be
Phase of Γ must known and specified to within ± 1/4 wavelength or
±90°. During computation of the error model, the root choice in the
solution of a quadratic equation is based on the reflection data. An error
in definition would show up as a 180° error in the measured phase.
Γ must be identical on both ports.
If the reflect is used to set the reference plane, the phase response must
be well-known and specified.
(LINE) Z0 of the line establishes the reference impedance of the measurement
(i.e. S11= S22 = 0). The calibration impedance is defined to be the same
as Z0 of the line. If the Z0 is known but not the desired value (i.e., not
equal to 50 ), the SYSTEMS Z0 selection under the TRL/LRM options
menu is used.
Insertion phase of the line must not be the same as the thru (zero
length or non-zero length). The difference between the thru and line
must be between (20° and 160°) ± n x 180°. Measurement uncertainty
will increase significantly when the insertion phase nears 0 or an
integer mult iple of 180°.
Optimal line length is 1/4 wavelength or 90° of insertion phase relative
to the thru at the middle of the desired frequency span.
Usable bandwidth for a single thru/line pair is 8:1 (frequency span:start
Multiple thru/line pairs (Z0 assumed identical) can be used to extend
the bandwidth to the extent transmission lines are available.
Attenuation of the line need not be known.
Insertion phase must be known and specified within ± 1/4 wavelength
or ± 90°.
(MATCH) Z0 of the match establishes the reference impedance of the
Γ must be identical on both ports.