Printing, Plotting, and Saving Measurement Results
To View Plot Files on a PC
Using Ami Pro To view plot files in Ami Pro, perform the following steps:
1. From the FILE pull-down menu, select IMPORT PICTURE.
2. In the dialog box, change the File Type selection to HPGL. This automatically changes
the file suffix in the filename box to *.PLT.
NOTE The network analyzer does not use the suffix *.PLT, so you may want to
change the filename filter to *.* or some other pattern that will allow you to
locate the files you wish to import.
3. Click OK to import the file.
4. The next dialog box allows you to select paper type, rotation (landscape or portrait), and
pen colors. You will probably need to change pen colors.
NOTE The network analyzer uses pen 7 for text. The default color in Ami Pro for pen
7 is aqua, which is not very readable against the typical white background.
You may want to change pen 7 to black.
5. After all selections have been made, the file is imported and rendered in a small
graphics frame which can be sized to the page by grabbing one of the nodes and
stretching the box as required.
• You will notice that the annotation around the display is not optimum, as the Ami
Pro filter does not accurately import the HPGL command to render text.
Using Freelance To view plot files in Freelance, perform the following steps:
1. From the FILE pull-down menu, select IMPORT.
2. Set the file type in the dialog box to HGL.
NOTE The network analyzer does not use the suffix *.HGL, so you may want to
change the filename filter to *.* or some other pattern that will allow you to
locate the files you wish to import.
3. Click OK to import the file.
• You will notice that when the trace is displayed, the text annotation will be illegible.
You can easily fix this with the following steps:
a. From the TEXT pull-down menu, select FONT.
b. Select the type face and size. (Fourteen point text is a good place to start.)
c. Click OK to resize the font.
To change the font color, just do it immediately after you resize the font using the
same dialog box.