Making Measurements
Using Display Functions
NOTE Maximum viewing with the LCD display is achieved when primary colors or a
combination of them are selected at full brightness (100%). Table 1-2 lists the
recommended colors and their corresponding tint numbers.
Color is comprised of three parameters:
•Tint: The continuum of hues on the color wheel, ranging from red, through green and
blue, and back to red.
•Brightness: A measure of the brightness of the color.
•Color: The degree of whiteness of the color. A scale from white to pure color.
The most frequently occurring color deficiency is the inability to distinguish red, yellow,
and green from one another. Confusion between these colors can usually be eliminated by
increasing the brightness between the colors. To accomplish this, press the
softkey and turn the analyzer front panel knob. If additional adjustment
is needed, vary the degree of whiteness of the color . To accomplish this, press the
softkey and turn the analyzer front panel knob.
NOTE Color changes and adjustments remain in effect until changed again in these
menus or the analyzer is powered off and then on again. Cycling the power
changes all color adjustments to default val u e s. Once t h e col o rs ar e saved,
pressing the key does not affect the color selections.
Saving Modified Colors
To save a modified color set, press . Modified colors are not part of a saved
instrument state and are lost unless saved using these softkeys. Once modified colors are
saved, they will be the colors applied until is pushed.
Recalling Modified Colors
To recall the previously saved color set, press .
Table1-2 Display Colors with Maximum Viewing Angle
Display Color Tint Brightness Color
Red 0 100 100
Yellow 17 100 100
Green 33 100 100
Cyan 50 100 100
Blue 67 100 100
Magenta 83 100 100
White N/A 100 0