Printing, Plotting, and Saving Measurement Results
To View Plot Files on a PC
To View Plot Files on a PC Plot files can be viewed and manipulated on a PC using a word processor or graphics
presentation program. Plot files contain a text stream of HPGL (Hewlett-Packard
Graphics Language) commands. In order to import a plot file into an application, that
application must have an import filter for HPGL (often called HGL). Two such applications
from the Lotus® suite of products are the word processor “Ami Pro” and the graphics
presentation package “Freelance Graphics.” Additionally, a utility is available to convert
plot files to PCX format so they can be used in additional PC applications.
NOTE Lotus applications are not supported by Hewlett-Packard. The following
procedures are provided for informational use only. Other applications or
other versions of the same application may function differently.
When viewed in such programs, the color and font size of the plot may vary from the
output of an HPGL/2 compatible color printer. The following table shows the differences
between the color assignments of HPGL/2 compatible printers and Lotus applications. Al so
refer to "Selecting Pen Numbers and Colors" on page 4-16.
To modify the color or font size, consult the documentation for the particular application
being used.
NOTE Plot files may also be saved to a floppy disk as a JPE G fi le an d used on a
personal computer. Refer to "Saving in Graphical (JPEG) Form" on page 4-46.
Table4-6 Color Assignment Differences between HPGL/2-Compatible Printers
and Lotus Applications
HPGL/2 Printer Lotus Applications
Pen Number Color Pen Number Color
0white N/AN/A
1 cyan (aqua) 1 black
2 magenta (red-violet) 2 red
3 blue 3 green
4 yellow 4 yellow
5green 5blue
6red 6red-violet (magenta)
7 black 7 aqua (cyan)