Operating Concepts
Processing The analyzer’s receiver converts the R, A, and B input signals into useful measurement
information. This conversion occurs in two main steps:
• The swept high frequency input signals are translated to fixed low frequency IF signals,
using analog sampling or mixing techniques. (Refer to the service guide for more details
on the theory of operation.)
• The IF signals are converted into digital data by an analog to digital converter (ADC).
From this point on, all further signal processing is performed mathematically by the
analyzer microprocessors.
The following paragraphs describe the sequence of math operations and the resulting data
arrays as the information flows from the ADC to the display. They provide a good
foundation for understanding most of the response functions, and the order in which they
are performed.
Figure 7-2 is a data processing flow diagram that represents the flow of numerical data
from IF detection to display. The data passes through several math operations, denoted in
the figure by single line boxes. Most of these operations can be selected and controlled with
the front panel response block menus. The data, stored in arrays along the way and
denoted by double line boxes, are places in the flow path where data is acc essibl e v ia GPIB.
Figure 7-2 Data Processing Flow Diagram