Updating SSH Key Fingerprints
The first time you connect to a remote server using SSH, the local computer asks if it can add the remote server’s “fingerprint” (a security key) to a list of known remote computers. You might see a message like this:
The authenticity of host "server1.company.com" can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is a8:0d:27:63:74:f1:ad:bd:6a:e4:0d:a3:47:a8:f7.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Type yes and press Return to finish authenticating.
If you later see a warning message about a
•Change your SSH configuration
•Perform a clean install of the server software
•Start up from a Mac OS X Server CD
To connect again, delete the entries corresponding to the remote computer (which can be stored by both name and IP address) in the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
Important: Removing an entry from the known_hosts file bypasses a security mechanism that helps you avoid imposters and
Notes on Communication Security and servermgrd
When you use the Server Admin GUI application or the serveradmin
•servermgrd uses SSL for encryption and client authentication but not for user authentication, which uses HTTP basic authentication along with Directory Services.
•servermgrd uses a
•The default certificate format for SSLeay/OpenSSL is PEM, which actually is Base64 encoded DER with header and footer lines (from www.modssl.org).
•servermgrd checks the validity of the SSL certificate only if the “Require valid digital signature” option is checked in Server Admin preferences. If this option is enabled, the certificate must be valid and not expired or Server Admin will refuse to connect.
•The SSLOptions and SSLRequire settings determine what SSL encryption options are used. By default, they’re set as shown below but can be changed at any time by editing /etc/servermgrd/servermgrd.conf, port 311.
SSLCertificateFile /private/etc/servermgrd/ssl.crt/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /private/etc/servermgrd/ssl.key/server.key
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
Chapter 1 Typing Commands