Parameter (afp:) | Description |
activityLogSize | Rollover size (in kilobytes) for the activity log. Only used if |
| activityLogTime isn’t specified. |
| Default = 1000 |
activityLogTime | Rollover time (in days) for the activity log. |
| Default = 7 |
admin31GetsSp | Set to true to force administrative users on Mac OS X to see |
| share points instead of all volumes. |
| Default = yes |
adminGetsSp | Set to true to force administrative users on Mac OS 9 to see |
| share points instead of all volumes. Default = no |
afpServerEncoding | Encoding used with Mac OS 9 clients. |
| Default = 0 |
afpTCPPort | TCP port used by AFP on server. |
| Default = 548 |
allowRootLogin | Allow user to log in as root. |
| Default = no |
attemptAdminAuth | Allow an administrator user to masquerade as another user. |
| Default = yes |
authenticationMode | Authentication mode. Can be: |
| standard |
| kerberos |
| standard_and_kerberos |
| Default = "standard_and_kerberos" |
autoRestart | Whether the AFP service should restart automatically when |
| abnormally terminated. |
| Default = yes |
clientSleepOnOff | Allow client computers to sleep. |
| Default = yes |
clientSleepTime | Time (in hours) that clients are allowed to sleep. |
| Default = 24 |
createHomeDir | Create home directories. |
| Default = yes |
errorLogPath | The location of the error log. |
| Default = /Library/Logs/AppleFileService/ |
| AppleFileServiceError.log |
errorLogSize | Rollover size (in kilobytes) for the error log. Only used if |
| errorLogTime isn’t specified. |
| Default = 1000 |
errorLogTime | Rollover time (in days) for the error log. |
| Default = 0 |
Chapter 8 Working With File Services