To create a template configuration file at any time after initial setup:
1Open the Server Assistant (in /Applications/Server).
2In the Welcome pane, choose “Save setup information in a file or directory record” and click Continue.
3Enter settings on the remaining panes, then, after you review the settings in the final pane, click Save As.
4In the dialog that appears, choose Configuration File next to “Save as” and click OK. So you can later edit the file, don’t select “Save in Encrypted Format.”
5Choose a location to save the file and click Save.
Creating Customized Configuration Files from the Template File
After you create a template configuration file, you can modify it directly using a text editor or write a script to automatically generate custom configuration files for a group of servers.
The file uses XML format to encode the setup information. The name of an XML key reveals the setup parameter it contains.
The following example shows the basic structure and contents of a configuration file for a server with the following configuration:
•An administrative user named “Administrator” (short name “admin”) with a user ID of 501 and the password “secret”
•A computer name and host name of “server1.company.com”
•A single Ethernet network interface set to get its address from DHCP
•No server services set to start automatically
<?xml version="1.0"
<plist version="1.0"> <dict>