Image Record Array
An array of the following values appears in the NetBoot service settings for each image stored on the server:
Parameter (netboot:) | Description: |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | Name of the image as it appears in the Startup |
_array_index:<n>:Name | Disk control panel (Mac OS 9) or Preferences |
| pane (Mac OS X). |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | Yes specifies this image file as the default boot |
_array_index:<n>:IsDefault | image on the subnet. |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | The path to the .dmg file. |
_array_index:<n>:RootPath |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: |
_array_index:<n>:isEdited |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | Name of boot ROM file: booter. |
_array_index:<n>:BootFile |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | Arbitrary text describing the image. |
_array_index:<n>:Description |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | Yes directs the NetBoot server to allocate space |
_array_index:<n>:SupportsDiskless | for the shadow files needed by diskless clients. |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | NFS or HTTP. |
_array_index:<n>:Type |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | The path to the parameter list file in the .nbi |
_array_index:<n>:pathToImage | folder on the server describing the image. |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | |
_array_index:<n>:Index | server. |
| |
| stored on multiple servers for load balancing. |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | Sets whether the image is available to NetBoot |
_array_index:<n>:IsEnabled | (or Network Image) clients. |
netBootImagesRecordsArray: | Yes specifies a Network Install image; False |
_array_index:<n>:IsInstall | specifies a NetBoot image. |
Chapter 10 Working With NetBoot Service