11. Image files menu
video info
Hs Hs
Hs horizontal sync pulse
b active high
TheVCO range setting determines the frequency range of t he VCO (VoltageControlled Oscillator).
TheCpmp (C harge pump current) sets the low pass filter current.
BothVCO range & Cpmp are set by the image file, changing these settings is only indicated in for special purposes.
Thehorizontal sync polarity setting can be useful in case of a bad shaped edge, onecan choose between the leading (active low)
or trailing (active high) edge.
Theinput format settings are used to "tell more" about the signals connected on the BNC’s, it completes the information in the source
selection menu.
-RGB is selected by defau lta nd means that an RGB signal is connected to the BNC’s
- PR/Y/PB must be selected whenever:
• aprogressive signal (32 kHz frequency video signal ) is connected to the BNC’s (select the source with Data on BNC’s in the
Source selection menu).
• one wants (in PiP mode) to visualize the component video signal in a Data window hereby adding a video image in the PiP
-HDTV-PR/Y/PB for high definition component video signals.
It is recommended to use the default values.
11.4 Ren ame fileHow to rename a file ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press →to select theI mage files item
3. Press ↓to Pull down the Image files menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select Rename (image 11-12)
5. Press ENTER
A dialog box is displayed (image 11-13)
6. Use ↑or↓to select the desired file
7. Press ENTER
A text box is displayed (image 11-14)
Use←or →,↓or ↑the numeric keys on the remote, or the keypad to edit and change the values, confirm with ENTER.
100 R5976491 IQ PRO G500 01/02/2007