3. Connections
3.2.5 S-Video input
S-Video connection
AnS-Video signal is available on the Mini-Din connector of a camera, VCR or DVD player.
Input specification
Which signal can be connected ?
Standard S-Video(S-VHS) with separate Y (luma) and C (chroma) signals.
How to select the S-Video input ?
1. Press 4on the RCU
Note: Another way for selecting this input is via the Menu.
Theprojector allowsthe input o fm ore S-Video signals (up to 3 composite video signals).
"S-Video extended configuration", page 26
This note is not valid for the Pro version:
TheAudio&Video optional layer(3) allows the use of an additional S-Video input (referred to as S-Video4).
Theselection of this optional input happens the same way as the standard input (key4)
3.2.6 Digital Visual Interface(DVI) input
DigitalVisual Interface is a display interface developed in response to the proliferation of digital flat panel displays.
Thedigital video connectivity standard that was deve loped by DDWG (Digital Display Work Group). This connection
standardoffers two different connectors: onewith 24 pins that handles digital video signals only, and one with 29 pins
thathandles both digital and analog video. This standard uses TMDS (Transition Minimized Differential Signal) from
SiliconImage and DDC (Display Data Channel) fro m VESA (VideoElectronics Stand ards Association).
DVI can be single or dual link.
Input specifications
Single link DVI
Differentialinput voltage: 200 mV - 800mV
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