A. Exchange
Assignment. In the list, add the user to the entry “Log on as a service”
3. The log file contains “Could not log o n with Profile ’MS Exchange Settings’” Make sure the profile exists. To check this, log
into the projector as the user (BARCO\iqpro),as the profile should b e owned by the projector account, and Outlook-profiles are
per-account. Start/Control Panel/Mail
4. The user cannot log on to the projector. The Administrator should add the right “Log on locally” for the user. This must be
configuredin th e Start/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/LocalSecurity Policy
In the list, add the user to the entry “Logonasaservice”
5. Whentrying to start the service, the projector beeps, and the servicestays in the ‘starting’ state
Thishappens when the service tries to display an error in a popup, but cannot access the desktop. Control
Panel/AdministrativeTools/Services/IQPro Exchange
Check “Allow service to interact with desktop”
Youmay need to end the process ‘IQProEXCH’ from the task manager.
6. The commands are not executed at the right time
Checkthe time of the compu ter and the timezone Start/Control Panel/Date and Time/Timezone
7. An Outlook dialog box is displayed stating that there is no default mail client.
Makesure that MS Outlook is the default Mail Client for this account. You can do this from this
configurationpa ge: Start/Control Panel/Internet Options/Programs/Email
Youmay need to do this as administrator, since the service is started as ‘Local System’ account.
Tip: For more information, refer to http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/troubleshooting/outlook/LS/101801.asp
A.2 Exchange IntegrationIntroduction
Theprojector must be configured to connect toa mailbox on a Microsoft Exchange server in the network,which is dedicated to th e
projector,and to which of course the projector has rights to con nectto.
The commands shouldbe put in the SUBJECT of an appointment in the Exchange Calendar of the projector. The Start Time and
EndTime of the appointments are used for timing info. The other fields (location, categories, body, … ) are not used by the software,
andthus can be used to store extra information for the USERS o f theprojector mailbox.
A.2.1 Command
How are the commands build up ?
• Command filename/filepath
Theparameter filename is a filename relative to the “Receive” directory of the iQ Pro Control Server, which, in a default installation,
wouldtypically be the local folder “C:\Documents and Settings\AllUsers\Received” The parameter filepath is an a bsolute path to a
Thecommands should be put in the SUBJECT of an appointment in the Exchange Calendar of the project or. This is a mailbox on
a Microsoft Exchange server in the network, which is dedicated to the projector, and to which of course the projector has rights to
connect to.
The command and the filename are separated by a space.
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