14. IQ Network
14.8 DropZone14.8.1 Dropzone tools
What can be done ?
Thedropzone interface allows the user to manage (launch, store,...) presentationfiles from a local desktop.
theDropZone interface
14.8.2 Start up
Start up
Tostart using the DropZone one must define the server (projector/display) to connect to. Several situations are possible.
1. The projector/display to connect to has not yet been declared in the DropZone interface, in that case the projector/display has
to be added to the DropZone list using the Add function.
2. The projector/display to connect to has already been declared in the DropZone, one must then just selected it from the list.
Incase the projector/display name is not known, there is a possibility to select the projector.
by its location( onlyif the location has been specified).
How to open the installation menu ?
1. Click on the arrow to pull down th e installation menu. (image 14-56)
See image 14-57.
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