14. IQ Network
standby on/off
switching effects
background setting
all PiP settings (layout, window)
Image settings
lens adjustments
The control manager
Thecontrol interface in the clientsoftware is divided into5 subscreens, image 1 4-27:
• General
image settings
• advanced
Thecontrol interface: the general sub screen is active (see tool bar)
14.5.2 How to use the control manager?
How to use the control manager?
1. Cho ose the sub screen by clicking on the desired item on the tool bar in the upper part of the control interface
The active sub screen is indicated with a blue spot
14.5.3 General
What can be done ?
Basiccontrolling, monitoring and general parameter setting of the projector can be done in this screen, image 14-27.
3 buttons ON,STANDBYand PAU SE
•Thetargetinformation part gives the main characteristics of the projector
2b uttonsallow to switch betw eend ualand the single lamp mode
How to change the general settings?
1. Click on the lamp mode button to select the desired mode
A blue spot indicates the active mode
2. Click on one of the three buttons to start up, pause or put in standby the projector
A green led indicates the status of the projector.
138 R5976491 IQ PRO G500 01/02/2007