14. IQ Network
14.8.4 Open remotely a file on the projector
1. Click on the lower button of the DropZone interface
A browser is displayed. Select the file to be projected.
foriQ only: Thefile will only be projected if the “iQ PC” is selected in the source sele ction.
14.8.5 Remote desktop sharing (virtualmeeting)
What can be done ?
Theremote desktop sharing in the D ropZone allows to visualize the projected image i.e. the desktop of the projector PC on a local
BesidesDesktop sharing one can take the Control (mouse and keyboard control) over a presentation (using Netmeeting TM). The
controlover the presentation can be taken or passed at any time.
Theconfiguration consisting of several remote or local meeting participants sharing the same information content is called a virtual
Inthis virtual meeting each meetingparticipant can participate to the meeting either in a passive way, by following the meeting on
hislocal desktop (remote desktop sharing), or in an active way by controlling the server’s desktop (mouse and keyboard).
Control over the desktop can be requested, forwarded or released.
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