12. Display setup
12.8 AutoImage SetupWhat can be done ?
Autoimageallows to detect automatically the character istics of the source (total pixels per line,...) and uses this information to adapt
the image to the LCD panels.
Autoimage can adapt the image based on following data :
• Totalpixels per line
• Start pixel
• Phase
• Contrast/brightness levels
Autoimage works only for data signals.
How to set up AutoImage?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press →to select the Display setup item
3. Press ↓to Pull down the Display setup menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select AutoImage se tup (image 12-11)
5. Press ENTER
A dialog box is displayed.
(image 12-12)
6. Use the arrow keys to select the desired item and press ENTERto activate or disactivate the item.
How to perform AutoImage ?
1. Press AutoImage on the RCU
A textbox showing a progress bar isdisplayed.
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