7. Image Menu
7.7 BlankingBlanking in the Image menu
Theblanking in general allows to blank unwanted video information (noise in the top or bottom of the image).
Theblanking in the image menu is the same as in the Display settings menu except for the fact that here the blanking settings are
storedin the image files. Inother words each custo m fileor source has its own blanking values.
See the blanking procedure in the Display settings menu.
If the selected source is not entirely displayed always check first the blanking settings in the image menu
since the active custom file may contains blanking.
7.8 Input balanceIntroduction: Unbalanced color signals
Whentransporting signals, there is always a risk of deterioration of the information contained in the signals.
Incase of information contained in the amplitude of the signals which is the case of data color signals (R, G, B),image 7-24 ,we are
quitesure that the am plitude of these color signals is subject to alterations.
Anexample of alteration may be a DC component added tothe signal, in the form of a DC offset repositioning the black level, since
thisbla ck level (“brightness”) will become crucial later on ( clamping circuit) it will result in “black not being black”.
Anothervalue that is subject to alteration is the amplitude of the signal, resulting in an altered “Gain” of the signal (“white level” or
contrast ).
Thealterations of the three color signals will happen independently i.e. thecolors will end to be unbalanced, image 7-25
Black level
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