7. Image Menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select Color temperature
5. Press →to pull down the menu
6. Use ↓or ↑to select the desired preset color temperature
7. Press ENTER
Thecolor temperature of the image is adapted and a white bullet shows the active setting.
How to start up the custom color temperature ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press →to select the Image item
3. Press ↓to Pull down the Image menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select Color temperature
5. Press →to pull down the menu
6. Use ↓or ↑to select custom
7. Press ENTER
A slider box for the red custom setting is displayed as well as a wizard text box in the lower part of the screen. (image 7-18,
image 7-19)
Follow the instructions on the wizard textbox. (image 7-20)
7.6 Filmmode detectionWhat can be done ?
Somesources like common DVD material are derived from cinema 2 4 Hz sources (2/2 or 3/2 pull down method).
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