14. IQ Network
The projector name is filled in.
3. Click on Connect.
Followingmessage is displayed: “Connected to <projectorname>...”
Thisis only p ossible if the location has been filled, the default value for location being “<New Location>”
Ifthe projector is notfound fo llowing message will be displayed : “Host not found”
Ifthe projector is found but unable to respond (projector disconnected from the network, server software not
running,.. .) following message will be displayed : “Host fo und , but server inactive”
14.8.3 File dropping/launchingOnly the Microsoft viewers (PPT,Word, Excel,...) are installed on the projector.
File droppingDropping a filemeans se nding itto the projector using the DropZone interface.
Theprojecto rcan th en react in differentways dependingon the drop mod e selected :
• launch file
• launch file and share
• store file on the projector
File launchingLaunchfiles: afile stored on the projector (server) or on the ne twork can be accessed from a local PC (via the network) or from the
projectoritself. Launching a file means “sending and starting up” a file (using the required software).
A PowerPoint file can be launched on your PC and projected in another place (by default only the PPT viewer is installed on the
projector ).
foriQ only : The file will only be projected if the “iQ PC” is selected in the source selection.
How to set the drop mode ?1. Open the DropZone interface.
2. Click on the arrow to pull down the installation menu.
3. Click on the three suspension points access the drop mode dialog box,image 14 -57
See image 14-62.
4. Click on one of the three modes.
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