8. Tools Menu
8.2 PiP selectPiP layouts
The differentPiP layouts (configurations) can be sele cted in the PiP select menu.
How to change the PiP configuration ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press →to select the Tools item
3. Press ↓to Pull down the Tools menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select PiP select
5. Press →to pull down the menu
6. Use ↑or ↓to select the desired configuration
7. Press ENTER
A white bullet shows the active layout (image 8-3)
ThePiP co nfiguration can also be selected via the dedicated PiP key on the RCU.
8.3 PiP add windowWhat can be done ?
Itis possible to add a window to the existing windows (maximum 4), therefore a source must be selected.
Sources which are already used are non selectable. If, for instance, the PiP layout contains a component video then component
video will be non selectable.
Oncea dded, the window may be altered in several ways to meet particular needs:
• repositioning
• re-sizing
• changing the order
How to add a window ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press →to select the Tools item
3. Press ↓to Pull down the Tools menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select PiP add window (image 8-4)
5. Press ENTER
The source selection menu isdispla yed (image8-5 )
Inth e lower part of the screen appears a wizard in 4 steps (image 8-6)
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