11. Image files menu
11.7 Forced file loadWhat can be done ?
Forcedfile load allows to force or lock one particular custom file to be loaded for one particular input. Thisway one can guarantee
that the same desired fileis always use dfo r a particularsou rce.
Foreach layer (layer 1, layer 2, layer 3) we can enable or disable the forced file load. Thespecification for the file to be selected for
each input on that layer is done via RS232.
seethe RS232 UserGuide for more information o n the Forced file load command to be sent.
How to set a file to be loaded ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press →to select the Image files item
3. Press ↓to Pull down the Image files menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select Forced file load
5. Press →to open the menu (image 11-20)
6. Use ↑or ↓to select the desired layer
7. Press ENTER
Forced fileload is activatedfor this layer (this is shown with a bullet)
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