B. SNMP services
B. SNMP SERVICESIntroduction
Someparame ters values are installationdepende nt, and are shown here as an example.
Youmay need assistance from you network administrator, IT Manager or MIS helpdesk to obtain the settings or to configure
theprojector for you, since this is a task description targeted to ‘Admin istrators’ and needs knowledge and/or permissions
normally held by those persons.
Itis advised that you first try to follow the procedure to obtain a working setup, before changing the settings for conforming to your
local security requirements.
B.1 SNMP installation
The Control Server version should be at least version 1.10.
Tocheck the version, open the about box from the server tray:
Softwareupdates can be obtained from the BARCO support website: ftp://ftp.barco.com/pub/iq_pro_software/
or from secured website PartnerZone
How to install SNMP (only if necessary)
Youmay need to install this service from the Windows XP CDROM.
2. Install the SNMP Agent Extension dll regsvr32 IQProSNMP.dll
The agent should now be registered as “iqpro” under
How to configure SNMP (only if necessary)
1. Go to the Control panel, under the Administrative Tools, in the Services, in the “SNMP” entry.
2. In the “General” tab, you can enable the service, and make it start automatically.
3. In the “Security” tab, the default Community is called ‘public’ and is read-only.
Youmay want to give read-write permission to ‘public’ (not recommended) or create a ‘private’ community
with read-write permissions.
4. In the Control Server, enable the SNMP support, and optionally, enable read-write support.
5. The SNMP service should be restarted,to take the changedsettings into a ccount.
Touninstall the snmp agent: regsvr32 /u IQProSNMP.dll
B.2 SNMP integration
Following commands are provided stored in the MIB :
Command Type
R5976491 IQ PRO G500 01/02/2007 171