4. Getting started
Stereojack pin configuration
A tip: Left channel
B ring: right channel
C screen: common (GND)
D externalswitch
The Remote connection uses a standard two wire cable terminated on each end with a 3.5 mm male
(mono/stereo) phone jack.
Thiscab le isn otd elivered but is available in most electronical or audio shops.
4.7 Projector addressOverview
• Address setting
• Displaying and Programming addresses intothe RCU
4.7.1 Address setting
Projector address
Address installed in the projector to be individually controlled.
Common address
Default address. P rojector will always execute the command coming from a RCU programmed with that common
Why a projector address ?
As more than one projector can be installed in a room, the separate projector should be separately addressable with an RCU or
computer. Therefor each projector has its own address.
Set up an individual Projector Address.
The set up of a projector address can be done via the software.
Projector controlling.
Everyprojector requires an individual addre ss between 0 and 255 which can be set in the Installation menu.
When theaddressisset,theprojectorcanbecontrolledby:
• RCU for addresses between 0 and 9.
• computer,e.g. IBMPC (or compatible), Apple MAC, etc. for addresses between 0 and 255.
Aproje ctor willrespond to a RC U set to the common address ’0’ regardless of what address is set in the projector itself (common
address of projector should also be “0” ).
TheR CU is default programmed with address 0 , ’common address’.
Ifit is necessary to control a specific projector, then enter the projector address into the RCU (only when that
addressis between 0 and 9). Theprojector with th eco rresponding address will listen to that specific RCU.
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