Chapter 2: Overview
2.5 The LPV List of Functions
UTP CABLES. LAN Performance Verification Level 1 tests:
√Length measurement of each cable pair.
√Locates opens, shorts, and distance to the fault.
√Locates split pairs and the distance to the split.
√Wire map. Graphs cables’ internal pairing.
√Propagation delay (time for data to travel the length of the cable).
√Skew (time delay between pairs).
√Cable typing. CAT 3, 5, 5e, 6.
√Speed Projection: Displays test results as a graph projecting the cable’s speed capability (up to 1 Gbps).
UTP CABLES. LAN Performance Verification Level 2 tests. Adds:
√Attenuation. Graphs level of real live data from PC, hub or switch.
√Speed Vertification (Level 2). Enhanced speed display samples real live data on active pairs to the limit of the device (1 Gbps).
NOTE: Level 2 tests use real data from your hub, switch, or PC.
√Length, open, shorts, distance to fault, tone, and wire map.
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