Chapter 6: Operation
Special characters in the LETTER LOOP:
tBackspace over letters without erasing them.
uForward space over letters without erasing them. Space (blank). Use to erase letters or add spaces.
MENU: Use to exit the EDIT TEST NAME routine and return to the MENU. If you select MENU, you have lost nothing. You can still SAVE the reading in memory or
“EDIT OLD” NAME Once familiar with the EDIT TEST NAME routine, try using EDIT OLD NAME. The EDIT OLD NAME routine requires a prior cable name to edit. Perform a cable test and when naming, select EDIT OLD NAME. It speeds creating names by allowing you to copy an “old” reading name as the starting point for creating the next cable reading name. Use the back- space, forward space, space character, and other characters to modify the name. SAVE it when complete.
NOTE: The LPV allows duplicate names but when they are printed in Excel, they will appear as “Jack A,” etc.
6.5 Reviewing/Erasing Printer Memory
Figure 6-52. Review or erase stored readings
(memory stores up to 250 readings).
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