To set up a persistent VNC server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4:
o Set a password using vncpasswd
o Edit /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
o Enable the service with chkconfig vncserver on
o Start the service with service vncserver start
o Edit /home/username/.vnc/xstartup if you want a more advanced session than just twm
and an xterm.
C. For Macintosh servers (and clients):
OSXvnc is a robust, full-featured VNC server for Mac
OS X that allows any VNC client to remotely view and/or control the Mac OS X machine. OSXvnc is
supported by Redstone Software.
D. Most other operating systems (Solaris, HPUX, PalmOS etc) either come with VNC bundled, or have
third-party VNC software that you can download.
6.9.2 Install, configure and connect the VNC Viewer
VNC is truly platform-independent so a VNC Viewer on any operating system can connect to a VNC
Server on any other operating system. There are Viewers (and Servers) from a wide selection of sources
(for example, UltraVNC TightVNC or RealVNC) for most operating systems. There are also a wealth of
Java viewers available so that any desktop can be viewed with any Java-capable browser
( lists many of the VNC Viewers sources).
Install the VNC Viewer software and set it up for the appropriate speed connection.

Note To make VNC faster, whe n you set up the Viewer:

Set encoding t o Z RLE (if you have a fast enough CPU).
Decrease color lev el (e. g. 64 bit).
Disable the backgr ound transmission on the Server or use a pl ain wallpaper.
(Refer to for detailed configu rat i on instructions)


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